Ever find yourself tempted to say !@?#!* and damn too often?
The Shakespearean equivalents are much more fun and don't make parents with children glare at you in restaurants. You could say fie, or you could swear by God's teeth or wounds.
Instructions ----
Combineth one word or phrase from each of the columns below, and addeth "thou" to the beginning.
Make certain you knowest the meaning of thy strong words. When you are not certain of the meaning of the words you've chosen, look them up at Dictionary.com or Mirriam-Webster.com. You should post definitions for terms you find on the list.
If all goes well enough, thou shalt have the perfect insult to fling at the wretched fools you sit with.
Let thyself go. Use the terms from the list below: two adjectives and a noun minimum per curse please.
Mix and match to find that perfect barb from the Bard!
Memorize your choice.
You may post ideas for insults here for the fun, and practice, of it.
In the Taming of the Shrew (4.1.144) Shakespeare wrote: "You whoreson beetle-headed, flapear'd knave!"
Can you do better?
Here's what you have to do:
- Combineth words or phrases from each of the columns below.
- Add "Thou" to the beginning.
- Memorize your final insult.
- Create some kind of pictorial representation for your insult: a drawing, sketch, collage, etc.
- Bring your insult, drawing, and self to class to share them rudely.
Column A ----------------- Column B ----------------- Column C
artless ----------------- beef-witted ----------------- baggage
bat-fowling -------------- beetle-headed ----------------- barnacle
bawdy ----------------- bum-bailey ----------------- bladder
brazen ----------------- bunch-backed ----------------- boar-pig
beslubbering ----------------- clapper-clawed ----------------- bugbear
bootless ----------------- clay-brained ----------------- clack-dish
boil-brained ----------------- common-kissing ----------------- coxcomb
churlish ----------------- crook-pated ----------------- codpiece
cockered ----------------- dismal-dreaming ----------------- canker-blossom
craven ----------------- dog-hearted ----------------- crutch
currish ----------------- dread-bolted -----------------clotpole
distempered ----------------- earth-vexing -----------------cutpurse
dankish ----------------- elf-skinned -----------------dogfish
dissembling ----------------- empty-hearted -----------------dewberry
droning ----------------- evil-eyed -----------------egg-shell
errant ----------------- eye-offending -----------------flap-dragon
fitful ----------------- fat-kidneyed -----------------flax-wench
fawning ----------------- fen- sucked -----------------flirt-gill
fobbing ----------------- flap-mouthed -----------------foot-licker
froward ----------------- fly-bitten -----------------gull-catcher
frothy ----------------- folly-fallen -----------------giglet
gleeking ----------------- full-gorged -----------------gudgeon
goatish ----------------- guts-griping -----------------haggard
gorbellied ----------------- half-faced -----------------harpy
greasy ----------------- hasty-witted -----------------horn-beast
grizzled ----------------- heavy-headed -----------------hugger-mugger
haughty ----------------- hedge-born -----------------hedge-pig
hideous ----------------- hell-hated -----------------hempseed
impertinent ----------------- horn-mad -----------------jake-a-nape
infectious ----------------- idle-headed -----------------jolthead
jaded ----------------- ill-breeding -----------------lewdster
jarring ----------------- ill-composed -----------------maggot-pie
knavish ----------------- ill-nurtured -----------------mammet
lewd ----------------- iron-witted -----------------minnow
loggerheaded ----------------- knotty-pated -----------------mumble-news
mangled ----------------- lean-witted -----------------malkin
mewling ----------------- lily-livered -----------------malignancy
pribbling ----------------- mad-bread -----------------mait-worm
puking ----------------- milk- livered -----------------manikin
peevish ----------------- motley-minded -----------------minimus
pernicious ----------------- muddy-mettled -----------------miscreant
prating ----------------- onion-eyed -----------------moldwarp
purpled ----------------- pale-hearted -----------------nut-hook
quailin ----------------- paper-faced -----------------pantaloon
queasy ----------------- pinch-spotted -----------------pigeon-egg
rank ----------------- plume-plucked -----------------pignut
reeky ----------------- pottle-deep -----------------puttock
roynish ----------------- raw-boned -----------------pumpion
roguish ----------------- reeling-ripe -----------------rabbit-sucker
spleeny ----------------- rough-hewn -----------------rampallion
spongy ----------------- rude-growing -----------------remnant
saucy ----------------- rug-headed -----------------rudesby
sottish ----------------- rump-fed -----------------ruffian
tottering ----------------- shag-eared -----------------ratsbane
unmuzzled ----------------- shard-borne -----------------scut
vacant ----------------- sheep-biting -----------------skainsmate
venomed ----------------- shrill-gorged -----------------strumpet
villainous ----------------- sour-faced -----------------scantling
warped ----------------- spur-galled -----------------scullion
weedy ----------------- tardy-gaited -----------------snipe
waggish ----------------- tickle-brained -----------------varlet
wanton ----------------- toad-spotted -----------------vassal
wenching ----------------- urchin-snouted -----------------waterfly
whoreson ----------------- weak-hinged -----------------whispter
yeasty ----------------- weather-bitten -----------------whey-face
gnarling ----------------- white-livered -----------------wagtail
clouted ----------------- dizzy-eyed ----------------- younker
artless ----------------- beef-witted ----------------- baggage
bat-fowling -------------- beetle-headed ----------------- barnacle
bawdy ----------------- bum-bailey ----------------- bladder
brazen ----------------- bunch-backed ----------------- boar-pig
beslubbering ----------------- clapper-clawed ----------------- bugbear
bootless ----------------- clay-brained ----------------- clack-dish
boil-brained ----------------- common-kissing ----------------- coxcomb
churlish ----------------- crook-pated ----------------- codpiece
cockered ----------------- dismal-dreaming ----------------- canker-blossom
craven ----------------- dog-hearted ----------------- crutch
currish ----------------- dread-bolted -----------------clotpole
distempered ----------------- earth-vexing -----------------cutpurse
dankish ----------------- elf-skinned -----------------dogfish
dissembling ----------------- empty-hearted -----------------dewberry
droning ----------------- evil-eyed -----------------egg-shell
errant ----------------- eye-offending -----------------flap-dragon
fitful ----------------- fat-kidneyed -----------------flax-wench
fawning ----------------- fen- sucked -----------------flirt-gill
fobbing ----------------- flap-mouthed -----------------foot-licker
froward ----------------- fly-bitten -----------------gull-catcher
frothy ----------------- folly-fallen -----------------giglet
gleeking ----------------- full-gorged -----------------gudgeon
goatish ----------------- guts-griping -----------------haggard
gorbellied ----------------- half-faced -----------------harpy
greasy ----------------- hasty-witted -----------------horn-beast
grizzled ----------------- heavy-headed -----------------hugger-mugger
haughty ----------------- hedge-born -----------------hedge-pig
hideous ----------------- hell-hated -----------------hempseed
impertinent ----------------- horn-mad -----------------jake-a-nape
infectious ----------------- idle-headed -----------------jolthead
jaded ----------------- ill-breeding -----------------lewdster
jarring ----------------- ill-composed -----------------maggot-pie
knavish ----------------- ill-nurtured -----------------mammet
lewd ----------------- iron-witted -----------------minnow
loggerheaded ----------------- knotty-pated -----------------mumble-news
mangled ----------------- lean-witted -----------------malkin
mewling ----------------- lily-livered -----------------malignancy
pribbling ----------------- mad-bread -----------------mait-worm
puking ----------------- milk- livered -----------------manikin
peevish ----------------- motley-minded -----------------minimus
pernicious ----------------- muddy-mettled -----------------miscreant
prating ----------------- onion-eyed -----------------moldwarp
purpled ----------------- pale-hearted -----------------nut-hook
quailin ----------------- paper-faced -----------------pantaloon
queasy ----------------- pinch-spotted -----------------pigeon-egg
rank ----------------- plume-plucked -----------------pignut
reeky ----------------- pottle-deep -----------------puttock
roynish ----------------- raw-boned -----------------pumpion
roguish ----------------- reeling-ripe -----------------rabbit-sucker
spleeny ----------------- rough-hewn -----------------rampallion
spongy ----------------- rude-growing -----------------remnant
saucy ----------------- rug-headed -----------------rudesby
sottish ----------------- rump-fed -----------------ruffian
tottering ----------------- shag-eared -----------------ratsbane
unmuzzled ----------------- shard-borne -----------------scut
vacant ----------------- sheep-biting -----------------skainsmate
venomed ----------------- shrill-gorged -----------------strumpet
villainous ----------------- sour-faced -----------------scantling
warped ----------------- spur-galled -----------------scullion
weedy ----------------- tardy-gaited -----------------snipe
waggish ----------------- tickle-brained -----------------varlet
wanton ----------------- toad-spotted -----------------vassal
wenching ----------------- urchin-snouted -----------------waterfly
whoreson ----------------- weak-hinged -----------------whispter
yeasty ----------------- weather-bitten -----------------whey-face
gnarling ----------------- white-livered -----------------wagtail
clouted ----------------- dizzy-eyed ----------------- younker
I made one up for the fun of it: (A) loggerheaded (B) ill-breeding (C) maggot-pie.
In the hallway in shakespearean times, you might have heard, "Thou art a loggerheaded ill-breeding maggot-pie."
Now it's your turn.
--------Credit Where Credit Is Due--------
This activity has been taken from Acting Through Experience - Shakespeare (pp 9-10). Special thanks to Daniel Slowick for his contribution to my efforts to create a student friendly experience of the old Bard.
This activity has been taken from Acting Through Experience - Shakespeare (pp 9-10). Special thanks to Daniel Slowick for his contribution to my efforts to create a student friendly experience of the old Bard.
This is my insult:
hideous fly-bitten dogfish
Hideous beslubbering fat-kidneyed nut hook!!!
Thou art a reeky guts-gripping hornbeast.
my insult:
Thou Beslubbering Milk Livered Pigeon Egg.
here is a website that may help you:
Thou lewd lily-livered malkin!
thou jaged empty-hearted baggage
Thou art whoreson jaded gooatish bagage.
Thou roynish whoreson fat-kidneyed baggage
thou mangled full-gorged fly-bitten rabbit-sucker!
thou are a infectious fen- sucked pignut
Thou pevish elf-skinned scut.
My comment is:
" Thou's a distempered guts-griping foot-licker!"
Thou are a wanton dizzy-eyed vassal!
Thou art a yeasty fat kidneyed rabbit sucker!!
Mr. Moshe, I changed my insult:
Thou art an artless clay-brained scut.
Thou Greasy Paper-faced Rabbit-sucker!!
Heheh that was my insult.
Thou art a puking, fat-kidneyed, horn -beast!
I changed my insult:
Thou art a yeasty onion-eyed rabbit sucker
Frothy evileyed eggshell
Thou waggish sour-faced dizzy-eyed eggshell
thou art a whoreson, sheep-bitting, horn-beast.
Thou art a weedy pale hearted lewd clot-pole.
meaning:you are a scrawny broken hearted sexually inadequate clot-pole.
Thou Frothy evileyed eggshell
My insult is:
Thou art a weedy raw-boned horned beast
Sorry, Thou art:
A Greasy Sour-Faced Nut Hook
this is my insult:
Thou hideous hell-hated flirt gill.
Thou loggerheaded fat-kidneyed foot-licker!
My insults are:
Brazen Comming-kissing Coxcomb
Saucy Shag-eared Flax-wench
Jaded Horn-mad Harpy
Beslubbering Earth-vexing Boar-pig
I forgot thou.
Brazen Comming-kissing Coxcomb
Saucy Shag-eared Flax-wench
Jaded Horn-mad Harpy
Beslubbering Earth-vexing Boar-pig
Mr.Moshe I changed my insult from thou peevish lily liver baggage to:
Thou reeky,empty-hearted,jolthead
Chaned to:
Thou reeky common-kissing gudgeon.
My insult is:
Thou peevish white-livered hedge-pig!
My insults are:
1Thou are a hideous,elf-skinned, bugbear.
2Thou are a saucy,earth-vexing,wagtail.
I changed mine. Now it's:
"Thou's a distempered sour-faced bugbear!"
maybe this might helpit has a few definitions..i think this is the site mr. moshe used for the colums
I want to change my insult:
Thou art a reeky lean-witted scut.
Meaning: You are a smelly, stupid, worthless person.
Thou distempered evileye pantaloon!
I changed mine Thou reeky,horn-mad,Jolthead
Thou yeasty ill breeding horn beast!
Thou art a dizzy-eyed, flap dragon, horn beast!!!! >.<
Rashaunna N. Period 2
Thou art a knavish, churlish, yeasty bladder!
My insult is:
Thou rank, hell-hated, jolthead!
(You disgusting loathed dunce!)
This is my insult you knaves hehe:
Thou art an Old Crab-Tree Whey faced Whormonger and a Hellish Dog,sad fool.
Thou art a beslubbering fat-kidneyed clotpole
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